[s-cars] AF web page down?

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Fri Apr 10 13:07:15 PDT 2009

This came from Brett a short while ago.

If you've posted in the last month to quattro or s-car-list, you're 
receiving this email based off a scrape of my mailboxes. I apologize 
if you're no longer subscribed and thus have no care as to our status 
:), or if you receive this message twice.

Audifans has been down since early evening PST yesterday. Our 
colocation facility (a cooperative in San Francisco) up until now 
been reliable, and been at a price that enables us to provide all the 
Audifans services on a donations-and-limited-advertising basis.

Last night SFCCP conducted a "planned" move of servers to a new 
facility. Unfortunately, reports are that the move was done hastily, 
with no/poor procedures. In our case, they "suspect" that they 
reconnected our ethernet connection to the wrong port on the back of 
our server. Reports are that machine connections were labeled, but 
the labels fell off- described as a "fiasco" by one person; another 
said "No excuses. It was late, and a lot was going on. I verified my 
box was up and then headed to the last train home." The affiliation 
of those individuals with the coop is unknown.

Apparently, SFCCP did not think to maintain customer records and use 
those records to check that machines came up after the move. The 
whole move was done in a grossly unprofessional manner and I am 
extremely disappointed; I can't speak for Dan. This is the most 
downtime we've had in a long time- 12 hours and counting.

At 12:22 ET Dan received an email from someone saying they were 
headed into the datacenter shortly, and would try switching 
connections. As of 12:50 ET we're still not able to reach the system. 
We hope to be back up as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the site blog is hosted...well...on the site :) For 
further status updates (I will not email out again unless something 
really, really bad happens), become a 'fan' on Facebook of Audifans:

or follow us on Twitter:

I can't believe I just used Twitter, Facebook, blog, and Audifans all 
in the space of a paragraph or two....

Volunteer System Administrator

At 08:20 AM 4/10/2009, JC wrote:
>Looks like the AF website is down? Anybody else having trouble?
>---- current ----
>1995.5 S6 Avant
>---- past lives ----
>2006 A4 2.0TQA
>1998 A6Q 2.8 PES G2
>1989 200TQA SJM
>1990 CQ
>1997 A4 1.8TQ Wett
>1987 4kCSQ
>John J. Cunningham
>  <mailto:jc at j2c3.com> jc at j2c3.com
>US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
>Main / Global +1 (978) 633-3510
>China Mobile: +86 (0) 136 6080 9560
>S-CAR-List mailing list
>S-CAR-List at audifans.com

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