[s-cars] LAC: Anyone going to the Mitty at Road Atlanta?

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sun Apr 12 10:21:40 PDT 2009

I may be there but I'm not sure yet. We have cars attending Mitty and  
a NASA event the same weekend so our crew is going to divide and  
conquer but we haven't drawn straws to decide who goes where. The V8  
944 will be at The Mitty, but they put it in GTP expecting us to run  
with the 962s..... Yeah, sure that's a fair class.

There's actually a lot if nice places right arround the corner from  
the track that have opened recently. I was just there for two separate  
events in the last month. One exit closer to Atl is a holiday inn  
express that's very nice, and up the street from that there's a newish  
plaza with 3 or 4 great places to eat. Jeffrey's is an awesome sports  
bar with killer food, then there's a pub across the street that's a  
bit expensive but worth it, and two Mexican places that are both very  
good. If you go one more exit closer to Atl there's the mall of  
georgia which is one of the largest in the country and has plenty to  
do and eat.

Sent from my iPod

On Apr 12, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:

> If the weather is nice, bring lots of sunblock. Also, there are lots  
> of
> spectator areas, but not too many where you can sit down, so a  
> folding chair
> of some sort might be useful. Lots of parking on the infield areas,  
> so you
> should get a track map and see where you can park.
> I was at the Mitty last year, but not going this year.
> Also, depending on how you're staying and what your interests are, I  
> would
> stay in Atlanta rather than closer to the track, as there are a lot  
> more
> dining options as well as things to do in Atlanta.
> Taka
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