[s-cars] 2003 S6 or 2004/05 S4??

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Sun Apr 12 14:29:49 PDT 2009

Thks Taka.. I haul my bike around and skis in the winter, so the Avant is
perfect, if it wasn't for hauling bikes, I would consider the S8 as I have
always liked them.  I have found a S4, just have to complete the
transaction.  If there was one thing I would improve on my 96, that would be
folding seats, gee, that would have been great.




From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:05 AM
To: pkrasusky at ups.com
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com; lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Subject: Re: [s-cars] 2003 S6 or 2004/05 S4??


I would have to put a different option out there-
I would either go for the S4 Avant or seriously consider a D2 S8. Unless you
need the cargo height for dogs or something like that, the S8 has nearly the
cargo capacity of the S6 Avant and more than the S4.

If the S8 had folding rear seats, then it would be really good, but that's
not the case.

The S8 drives better than any of the C5 A6 variants, esp. the C5s with V-8s,
which tend to feel really heavy.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:43 PM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:

Randy Saskatchewan'd:

<<<Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 22:40:47 -0600
From: Lewis Consulting <lewisconsulting at sasktel.net>

Subject: [s-cars] 2003 S6 or 2004/05 S4??

Anyway, my question: I am considering either a 2004-05 S4 Avant or a 2003 S6

Avant... is there an advantage for either or is it personal preference and
size?  I am not a super technical/mechanical guy, so general comments would
be fantastic.

Thanks in advance and if anyone knows of one of the above for sale, please
let me know as there are not a lot of these in Saskatchewan.

Randy  96//S6>>>


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