[s-cars] (LAC) Oil overfill tolerance on a 2.8 liter 24 V in a Passat GLX

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 05:52:12 PDT 2009

The 2.8 hatch area is 1/2 qt!!!! If (going by the visual) that is the case,
then it's only 1/4 qt above (I was going on the assumption that the hatched
area is 1 full qt.). In this case, the oil is up partway into the plastic
above the fill mark.

And, thanks for the replies guys. The problem with pulling the oil from the
car is that my fluid extractor is at my home, 200 miles from here. And we
will have to take Mom's car (it's the only one she's comfortable in with her
back problems) on a 300 mile trip to a memorial service next weekend. So,
it's all of 1/4 qt off, I'm not worried about it, but if it's a half, as
Mark suggested I'd want it removed. We'll see what the stealer says, I think
it's *their* responsibility.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:

> I dont know how tolerant it is, but keep in mind that the difference
> between top and bottom of hatched area on a 2.8 is less than 1/2 qt.  SO it
> would have to be off the chart to be + 1/2 qt.
> Grant
>   On Apr 12, 2009, at 11:45 PM, LL - NY wrote:
>   In checking out my Mom's car over the weekend, I have found her car's
> crankcase overfilled (by the
> dealer, no less) by around 1/2 quart. Anyone have any idea if that is in
> acceptable tolerance for
> being overfilled. 2.8 liter 24 V, Tip, 4-motion, just in case there are
> other oil pan configs.
> And, more credit to the stealer. All of her tires were at 37 psig (spec
> 30F/28R). Which means the tech
> can at least read a gauge.
> Audi content, the dealer also services Audi's.
> LL - NY
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> Grant Lenahan
> glenahan at vfemail.net
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