[s-cars] Slippery Slope advice

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Mon Apr 13 10:35:04 PDT 2009


For what you're talking about spending, you could buy a pretty 
nicely done '01 B5 S4. Keep your car as a second car, the grand 
cruiser, and have the newer car for play.

Before you make any decisions, go out and drive one. The B5 
platform is quite different from the C4, more tossable, quicker, 
but not as graceful or comfortable overall.

Just a thought.


On Mon Apr 13 12:25:23 CDT 2009, Peter Dowker <pdowker at mac.com> 

> So, the clock shows 260K and I want to keep the car running  
> indefinitely - I really like the 4 doors and while I am 
> approaching  mid-life crisis, I have two kids in private school 
> so I have to be  realistic about budget.....

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