[s-cars] Feedback from the list

Peter Dowker pdowker at mac.com
Mon Apr 13 16:22:09 PDT 2009

wow, I coulda had a v8?

Not sure I want a v8 actually. The price of petroleum products is not  
going trend downward in the long term methinks....
thus, a smaller displacement, variable power (forced induction) motor  
makes more sense for the kid...now, if we could ever source a turbo  
diesel....well, then I might look at upgrading body styles

YMMV  :) - your money may vary

On Apr 13, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Mark Strangways wrote:

> Oh truer words have never been spoken.
> Loved my S4 so much I spent 8 grand on a great paint job... you  
> think she was satisfied with that ?
> NO, she wanted more, much more.
> Now she is no more.
> Keep it stock and as healthy as possible, and maybe your kids can  
> use it. Time to move forward with a more current model. These cars  
> should go down in history as bringing Audi design to where it is now  
> (IMHO at least).
> They where a fantastic car, and should go down in history... but  
> there is much more out there now.
> Even the early 00's S8 would be a step forward, and can be had cheap.
> Actually most things right now can be had cheap.
> My 2 cents (CAD) worth, your wallet may vary
> On 13-Apr-09, at 4:04 PM, Lee Levitt wrote:
>> The only way that this list will help you to spend less is if the
>> server crashes. Otherwise, you'll be pelted with ideas on how to
>> spend more. :)
>> Do you expect *anyone* to say "since you're not spending the $2K
>> on the bottom end of the engine, why don't you just tuck that
>> extra cash into a nice little index fund." Oh no. That $2K will
>> turn into $4K of top end blueprinting and flow work, new alloys,
>> stickier tires, bigger brakes, coilovers, 5 point harnesses,
>> gauges, factory Xenon lamps, etc. :)
>> Been There, Spent That. Your Money May Vary.
>> Lee
>> On Mon Apr 13 14:30:20 CDT 2009, Peter Dowker <pdowker at mac.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I appreciate the time and feedback, knowing how much experience
>>> there  is on this list saves me a lot of trouble and potentially
>>> money too!!
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