[s-cars] Brake Question

Douglas Fifield douglas.fifield at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 14:37:49 PDT 2009

Sounds like Kroil is the stuff.  Is it a FLAPS item or do I need to
order it off the web?

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> what kind of penetrating lubricant?  use PB blaster or kroil.  liquid wrench
> isn't very effective.  make sure you use flare wrenches if you have to use
> open wrenches.  if it's really really stuck, consider using a propane torch
> to heat the fitting.
> yes, you'll have to pull the hardline fitting out of the bracket so it can
> spin on the hardline.  my braided steel lines have swivel fittings (i
> assembled them myself) so i didn't have that problem.
> ________________________________
> From: Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at gmail.com>
> To: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
> Cc: Scarlist <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:19:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Brake Question
> OK, followup question.
> When I look at the braided steel line that will be going in, the
> threaded ends do not appear to swivel.  In otherwords, I could thread
> the steel line into the caliper, but then the end that attaches to the
> solid brake line would have to be connected by turning the fitting
> attached to the solid line.  Make sense?
> And that connection appears to be in a clip of some kind.  Do I need
> to detach it from the clip and make the connection and then re clip
> it?  I looked in the Bentley but did not find anything there on this
> operation.
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:12 PM, chris chambers
> <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Penetrating oil or Kroil?
>> I have to say there is no substitute for Kroil, it's amazing stuff.
>> Spray down with kroil and let it work, the lines will come loose.
>> Dunno about thread, I think it's normal.
>> Chris
>> glad to have Kroil
>> --- On Thu, 4/16/09, Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> From: Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: [s-cars] Brake Question
>>> To: "Scarlist" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>>> Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 1:59 PM
>>> Hedz -
>>> I need to replace rear brake hoses on a 95.5 S6 Avant (aka
>>> The White
>>> Whale).  Needless to say, the current hoses are firmly
>>> seated to their
>>> companion solid lines and I don't want to round the
>>> nuts.  I have
>>> applied penetrating oil but want to ask the following
>>> question.
>>> Are these connections normally threaded - counter clockwise
>>> to loosen?
>>>  Any BTDT or advice out there?
>>> D.
>>> --
>>> Douglas in MN
>>> 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
>>> 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank
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> --
> Douglas in MN
> 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
> 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank
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Douglas in MN
95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank

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