[s-cars] Front Brake calipers not releasing.....Master Cylinder?

Mark Strangways MarkS1234 at spamarrest.com
Tue Apr 21 15:55:06 PDT 2009

Pull the MC off and take it apart, (though I have never done an Audi  
one) they are not all that comlicated.
Maybe a good cleaning will save you 150

And other than drink beer and enjoy the warm weather what else do you  
have to do :-)

On 21-Apr-09, at 6:48 PM, Jim Fleischer wrote:

> Definitely lots of drag.......to the point of real hot and smoking  
> on a trip
> up the block......fluid doesn't necessarily shoot out the bleeder, but
> doesn't just ooze either....
> Another thought.......I've had two or three instances where the  
> clutch has
> "stuck" against the pressure plate, and have had to start it in gear  
> to free
> it up.  The most recent time was this morning when I went to test  
> drive the
> car after doing my brakes.  Car sat, in gear, for a week and a half  
> while
> waiting for parts, etc.  Could there be any relation?  There was  
> mention of
> the slave cylinder? then I think......Clutch works fine now, BTW.   
> Does the
> MC have something to do with the clutch as well?
> Anyway, I found an old post from Chris Chambers who had a source for  
> a new
> MC at Rockauto.com for $150.  Got the last one and will ship  
> tomorrow for
> Friday delivery.....at least I'll have the weekend to try it out  
> before my
> trip next week.....
> Thanks to all for the info and ideas......still open to other  
> suggestions,
> but at this point I'm going to replace the MC and see what happens.
> Best regards,
> Jim Fleischer
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Strangways" <MarkS1234 at spamarrest.com>
> To: "Jim Fleischer" <jim at almgt.com>
> Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Front Brake calipers not releasing.....Master
> Cylinder?
>> Are we talking about any real drag here ?
>> The pads will always touch the rotors and that is normal.
>> There is gonna be some drag on the rotors, but should be easily   
>> turnable.
>> Apply the brakes hard a few times and let go. If, when you open the
>> bleeder, brake fluids jets out then you have a problem. If it just   
>> comes
>> out slowly or not at all I would think you have no problems.
>> Mark
>> On 21-Apr-09, at 5:52 PM, Jim Fleischer wrote:
>>> Okay guys......the brake saga continues.....
>>> Thanks to Ian, Peter and Stott for the quick replies.....I have  
>>> re- bled
>>> the system, and although I seemed to squeak out a few more tiny   
>>> bubbles,
>>> I've still got my caliper issues.....it seems like they  retract  
>>> ever so
>>> slightly, but still make contact with the rotor.  It  was said  
>>> that it
>>> may be the Master Cylinder that is keeping the  fluid from
>>> returning.....any way to test this theory besides  throwing a new  
>>> MC at
>>> it?  Any way of freeing up what may be stuck in  the MC?  If I do  
>>> need a
>>> new MC, any sources?  Unfortunately I am  running out of time  
>>> before a
>>> big road trip next week and I need my  car......thanks for all the  
>>> help!
>>> BTW, the CV boot r&r went fantastic!  thanks to those who advised!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jim Fleischer
>>> running out of time......
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