[s-cars] Friday Spring Dribble

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 09:15:06 PDT 2009

In possibly the funniest Walnut of all time, Paully Walnutted,
"I went to AAA for my license renewal the other day (go figure I still
have one?).  Armed with my Fletch (notso) funnyteeth, I popped them in
and presented my best cross-eyed and crooked 'smile' (seemed only
natural) as the attendant snapped the pic.  Upon her turning the
monitor to me so I could see / approve the prospective shot posed next
to my existing shot - I nearly wet mesself it was so damn funny
looking.  PRICELESS.  Inside, I was beaming 'success!' in disbelief
I'd actually pulled this off.

Then...  doom.  She says, quite seriously at that "ooops, going to
have to shoot it again, this time no smile" as she pointed to a
green/red bar across the bottom of the screen all lit up red saying
the system was rejecting it as it was not a 'match' to my existing
photo on file.  I tried 3-4 more times just flashing 'a little' ahem
teeth, she started getting frustrated at my inability to follow the
'no smile' instruction...  all the while refraining from commenting on
my pearly notsowhites as I bet she thought they were real and I am
slow (I am).  She said I was holding up the line (of 2 retirees behind
me).  D'oh.

I finally had to capitulate and remove them and just stare blankly for
my shot - hey this isn't a frickin yearbook photo it's a DL.  Who knew
they had facial recognition software?

Then I signed "Me" for signature as I always do.  Well, that created 2
more gyrations of the process as they didn't catch that immediately
and then refused to proceed until I "signed" commenting "what, are you
trying to be funny or something?".


The Man, Keeping Me DOWN I tell ya.

I'm bummed - can only picture handing said DL out the window to
JohhnyL and awaiting his quizzical response.  *FOILED*

Report back on Q5 shenanigans.  We'll hoist one or 14 or 20 in your
honor @ tomorrow's GoF we will (your ears should start ringing about
7p.m. est yes).  My Baloney Has a First Name...


ps.  did you tell your ticketing officer that your flags made you feel
"racy" at least and that the car only "looks fast"?  "

Let me pick myself up off the floor and offer, "keep up the good
work!"  A week in the sun has you thinking quite clearly I see. I am
oh so disappointed now that my own DL does not officially expire until
This could be a movement rolling your NewFoundFiendLook (NFFL)tm into
a Brooklyn Dis Ohbedience Movement (DBOM)tm.
Will report back with the Q5 loDown.
Funny, I DID try the MFD (Motorsport Flag Defense) (
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3552/3423030788_a7c6a98b6a.jpg )
"Are you sure the flag decal didn't just make me appear to be going fast?"
Biil~oh the humanity!~M

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