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Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009
ce or freedom from failures=2E
The 1=2E8t coil pack conversion concept was subsequently commercialized =
by 034 and Apikol in April 2006=2E I don=92t recall what claims they may=
have made=2E I do know there were coilpack failures=2E (They don=92t l=
ike high heat=2C especially as a result of tracking (sustained high RPMs=
)=2E =
One of the options in that time frame was 034s =93High Output=94 coil ne=
ar plug system based on coils that are proprietary to them (they say)=2E=
The coils are very similar to some Mercury Marine coils=3A
Sometime in the summer of 2008=2C a few people (450exc115 and lloyd21) w=
ere developing an ignition conversion using Corvette style LS2 coil-near=
-plug coils=2C using info from my 1=2E8t coilpack DIY and an RX-7 websit=
e=2E I consolidated that info and posted to AW and the S-car-list in Ju=
ly 2008=3A
Since then=2C a number of people have done this conversion using the mor=
e robust D585 LS2-style (Yukon and Silverado truck) coils that have heat=
sinks/dissipaters=2E Chris C=2E (fastscirroco)=2C kinderutz=2C and llo=
yd21 (Charles L) are but a few=2E The wiring is pretty straight forward=
=2E The brackets and mounting locations (typically on the stress bar=2C =
away from the turbo) are the differentiators of the DIY-ers=2E
Here is lloyd21=92s bracket for the similar D581 coil pack=3A
Here are some DIY pricing comments from Chris C=2E=3A
Here is a link to a current (May 8/08) D585 ebay =93auction=94=3A
In the meantime=2C Marc Swanson has developed a complete plug and play k=
it based on the D585 coils=2E While the price is higher than the DIY ve=
rsion=2C it=92s high quality and only takes about 30 to 45 min to comple=
te=2C start to finish=2E As bonus=2C if you want to=2C you can run the =
=9320V Turbo=94 OE coil pack cover (you need to remove the OE coils of c=
ourse)=2E =
Previously=2C I have steered people to Apikol=92s 1=2E8t coil pack plug =
and play kit=2E Everybody commented back to me that they were happy=2E =
Some had the odd coil pack problem=2E Recent =93investigations=94 invol=
ve using the latest S4 V8 coil packs (but even they aren=92t bullet proo=
Recently=2C I have steered several UrS owners to Marc=92s D585 kit and t=
hose who have purchased Marc=92s kit are all very happy=2E
Nobody has reported the success of using these D585 coils in a tracking =
situation (yet)=2E
Hope that wasn=92t too boring=2E
Dave F=2E
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