No subject

Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009

Replace the water neck with an OE neck, not chi-com (meyle) economy version
which warp quite frequently and have you doing this relatively PITA task all
over again.

O-ring and t-stat obviously, and new hose clamp if you prefer worm drive
over ear'ed type and don't overtighten.

I have not ever removed the alternator except when I've done a pulley kit
with the t-belt R&R.

I use a 1/4" ratchet, long and short extension, and (what's key here) a 10mm
universal socket. I also have special pliers for the clamp but you can get
by with generic versions at the right angle. I do put a small piece of
electrical tape on the inside of the socket to hold the bolts better as I
sneak them into position.

Not necessary, but I have learned to really appreciate Elring Curil-T
sealant for the o-ring.

The water neck may be a frustrating fit to get it right but can certainly be
done without removing the alt. which also entails removing more like the TB
on transverse dubs..

I'm getting more detailed than need be but just illustrating the point and
got riled up thinking about charging my 3 hours = $150 for this!? no way!

Also, the 1/4" 10mm swivel socket is debt-money well spent but you could
probably get by if you had a wobbly head extension.



On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 8:29 PM, John Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:

> With some creativity and universal joints I've done it without removing
> anything. You are supposed to pull the alternator.
> -Cody (mobile)
> On Dec 28, 2010, at 6:35 PM, Douglas Fifield <douglas.fifield at>
> wrote:
> > Gents,
> >
> > I need to change out the T-stat on my GF's 2001 A4 1.8T.  A local shop
> > quoted 3 hrs labor.  What has to be removed to get a wrench on the two
> > M6's that hold the housing in place?
> >
> > Sorry for the lack of UR-S content.
> >
> > D.
> >
> > --
> > Douglas in MN
> > 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
> > 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank
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