[s-cars] anyone heard of Alan Smith

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Thu Aug 6 04:41:31 PDT 2009


Never heard of him and I would be very wary.
I had alot of emails from the UK when I posted a wanted ad to audifans.
Most of them sounded vaguely Nigerian scamlike in nature.


At 08:19 PM 8/5/2009 -0700, Mike Platt wrote:
>I have been contacted by Alan Smith about UrS4 parts in the UK. Has 
>anyone dealt with him before? No offense to him if he monitors this, 
>but just want to be sure before I send him some cash.
>Mike( still searching for Scar parts but fixing most everything)P
>S-CAR-List mailing list

-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA

1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
1991 90Q 20v Q Red
1991 90Q 20v Indigo
1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient) 

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