[s-cars] RF remote registration - Uh-oh

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Mon Aug 17 12:10:18 PDT 2009

That's not nitpicking, that's saving Dr Bob from a brain-cramp on my  
part! Thanks!

Best regards, Meilleures salutations, 此致敬礼, Mit freundlichen  
   Con i migliori saluti, مع أطيب التحيات, Cordiales  
saludos, के साथ सबसे अच्छा संबंध  
   A mais melhor consideraçāo, によろしく


Ian Duff | 38 Grove Street | New Bedford | Massachusetts | 02740 | USA
V: +1 (508) 717-8058 | E: ian at inside-overlap.com | F: +1 (801) 335-1661

Think Green!  Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely  

On 17 Aug, 2009, at 13:58, chris chambers wrote:

> Not to sound like I'm nitpicking Ian, but to clarify for Bob I believe
> Ian meant the remotes/transmitters not the receiver in the car.
> Chris
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net>
>> To: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
>> Cc: "S-Car-List at Audifans.Com" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 11:46:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] RF remote registration - Uh-oh
>> I'd bet on dead receiver batteries, or dirty receiver rubber
>> pushbutton contacts. All the problems I had were with the pesky
>> receivers.
>> -Ian Duff, sent from my iPhone.
>> On Aug 17, 2009, at 11:27, Robert Myers wrote:
>>> Uh-Oh, Ian.  Looks like the problem isn't loss of registration but
>>> something else.  Like maybe the RF receiver isn't working.  Or both
>>> remotes have dead batteries.  I'll get two new batteries and install
>>> them but in the meanwhile I'm pretty sure that at least one of the
>>> two batteries should still be OK.
>>> So.  Where is the receiver located?  Is there a fuse somewhere?  Any
>>> BTDT tips?
>>> Bob
>>> At 08:30 AM 8/17/2009, Ian Duff wrote:
>> http://www.s-cars.org/postnuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=211
>>>> Best regards, Meilleures salutations, æ ¤è´æ¬ç¤¼, Mit
>>>> freundlichen GrüÃen,
>>>>   Con i migliori saluti, Ù
>>>> ع أطÙب اÙØªØ Ùات, Cordiales
>>>> saludos, à¤à¥ साथ सबसà¥
>>>>   à¤
>>>> à¤à¥à¤à¤¾ सà¤à¤¬à¤à¤§ हà¥,
>>>>   A mais melhor consideraçÄo, ã«ãããã
>>>> -Ian.
>>>> Ian Duff | 38 Grove Street | New Bedford | Massachusetts | 02740 |
>>>> USA
>>>> V: +1 (508) 717-8058 | E: ian at inside-overlap.com | F: +1 (801)  
>>>> 335-1661
>>>> Think Green!  Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely
>>>> necessary.
>>>> On 17 Aug, 2009, at 08:12, Robert Myers wrote:
>>>>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate
>>>>> (r) Pro*
>>>>> Hi Y'all,
>>>>> The RF remote for my '95.5 urS6 has lost it's "connection" with  
>>>>> the
>>>>> car's locking mechanism.  It needs to be re-registered.  This is  
>>>>> not
>>>>> connecting the remote with the seat position gadgets but with the
>>>>> locks.  I have done this operation before (a LONG time ago) but  
>>>>> have
>>>>> forgotten the specifics.  I know it involves using two keys and  
>>>>> the
>>>>> remote itself but I no longer have any idea of the specific
>>>>> incantation which accompanies the keys and remote.  Can someone
>>>>> point
>>>>> me in the right direction?
>>>>> Beuller?  Anyone?
>>>>> Bob
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