[s-cars] S6 Rack woes - Resolved

jlagnese at massed.net jlagnese at massed.net
Mon Aug 24 11:01:26 PDT 2009

---- Original message ----

  Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 10:13:28 -0600
  From: "Peter Golledge" <petergolledge at gmail.com>
  Subject: S6 Rack woes - Resolved
  To: <quattro at audifans.com>
  Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
  >After disassembling the fittings on my reman
  Jorgen rack for the S6 I
  >figured out the issue. I put the check valve into
  the rack. on the RETURN
  >side. If only Audi had put two different sized
  lines into the ports on the
  >rack both the "Swap the lines" and "Swap the
  banjos" screw-ups could be
  >avoided! It doesn't help that both ETKA and the
  Bentley don't differentiate
  >the fscking banjo bolts!

  As seemingly always the Bentley leaves something
  to be desired. I own and use one for each of my
  VW/Audi products, but many times they are not much
  help, or are difficult to locate help due to the
  so-called index.


  >A quick (candid) phone call to Jorgen and they
  demonstrated what a class act
  >they are. The manager (Roger) explained that they
  had assumed past failures
  >to be the reversal of the lines; they have
  explicit tagging for that. They
  >recently figured out that an S6 rack can be
  ruined by reversing the banjo
  >bolts and are getting their tags updated! They
  are also working to get me
  >another rack ASAP.
  >So in summary ensure that the check valve part
  1J0 422 529 A goes on the
  >High pressure hose (with the pigtail!) and N 903
  580 03 (plain Banjo) on the
  >return. Hopefully this helps a few listers avoid
  this drama.. On another
  >note, a lot of the helpful documentation out
  there (both on Audifans and
  >other sites) fails to mention one key part of
  making any Audi rack swap a
  >little less painful; install the Banjos and hand
  tighten after the rack is
  >in but BEFORE bolting the rack up to the car.
  Once the rack is bolted up
  >then do the final torque on the Banjos. The
  opposite works for rack removal
  >Still need to if anyone good technique for
  getting all of the oil out of the
  >carpet in the footwell?
  >Peter Golledge
  >quattro mailing list

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