[s-cars] Survived timing belt

David Giannandrea david.giannandrea at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 7 09:48:44 PST 2009

Regarding getting the hood release to work fully...

There are 2 plastic (white) pieces necessary to route the hood release wire.
You have probably lost the right side as it takes the most stress. I finally
replace mine with a small wire loop.  IF you want to buy that little $2.00
part, be sure to warm it up before trying to install.

If it's not the routing, then move the end piece (right side) to shrink the
length of the release wire. It's adjustable and determines the 'squeeze'
between the two hood releases.

If these words mean nothing, have your significant-other operate the hood
release while you watch the under hood operations.

Easy, really.

David G.

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