[s-cars] Teen car

Cory Pio cpio921 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 09:25:21 PST 2009

I guess car pooling is out of the question. Now my parents didn't let  
me get my liscense til I was 17. I learned on standard tranny. Heel  
toeing downshifting into corners two weeks later I haven't looked  
back. I have been in two bad accidents one in my old 2000 a4 where I  
fell asleep on my way to work. I was 19. Later that year I was driving  
way over my head with an s4. I was driving A new b7 a4 chipped and  
missed a breaking point by about 100 feet in the dark. Lost control on  
an abandoned back road with no lights or cars for miles. I think alot  
of old guys could tell similar stories. The sad truth about today is  
the bullshit and consequences that come with such misjudgement and  
poor decisions. But than again my parents can't take my cars away  
cause I pay for them.

On Dec 8, 2009, at 11:42 AM, Brian Armstead <barmstea at voanews.com>  

> Agreed Taka.  My 16 y.o. (2005 Passat) has to follow strict rules:  NO
> additional passengers and NO cell phone use.  I monitor her speed and
> movements with an Entourage GPS from Escort (yes, she knows -  
> now!).  I
> have compared her cell phone records with her time behind the  
> wheel.  So
> far, only one break in the rules when she took a classmate to a local
> Target for headache medicine (she did not realize at the time "Eagle
> Eye" was watching).  Car was taken from her for two weeks.
> I've been involved with writing about automotive safety for many years
> now.  I often see teens with manual tranny cars who still multi-task,
> including holding the wheel with their knees while they text and  
> drive...
> It's a mess out there.  Whatever you think it best for your own  
> kids, do
> follow Taka's advice and make SURE they follow the basic rules you as
> parent must lay down.
> Brian
> Taka Mizutani wrote:
>> Brian-
>> I'm not talking about making a mistake- yes, we all do that. What I'm
>> saying is, IMO it is safer to drive a manual transmission car- you
>> have to concentrate a lot more on the act of driving- this is better
>> than the relative ease of driving an automatic- the lack of shifting
>> leaves you more free to do a lot of stupid things, like talk on the
>> phone, send/read text messages, etc.
>> The best thing for a teen driver is to not have passengers and not  
>> use
>> a phone at all while driving, handsfree or not. I didn't have cell
>> phones when I learned how to drive and it was enough distraction
>> having friends in the car, etc.
>> Taka
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