[s-cars] Teen Cars

Moemmo [Gene Temkin] moemmo at cox.net
Wed Dec 9 08:32:03 PST 2009

Forgive as I ve only casually monitored this thread....

A few thoughts come to mind:  yes the E300 is good call.  As is a good 
example of 850, 7  or 240 series Volvo.....their Tank like build is just 
the thing for the fledging juvenile driver. I have yet to see anyone 
mention the venerable 3 Series BMW? except for the head bolt 
issue.....these are solid drivers. Perhaps too "sporty"?  Of course 
there is now older A4's or even Jetta's?

I think any of these are as good as the next ............The question 
is: Which vehicle will give a sense of pride so that it is cared for and 
more importantly did it's last owner feel the same?  What makes a car 
great is finding one owned by owners such as [by and large] our selves. 
Any super clean well maintained version of the above should suffice nicely .



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