[s-cars] Teen drivers and texting..

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Dec 9 11:52:22 PST 2009

Check back with us when she's 8. She'll be styling the latest 
GoogleSoft Badroid V12 5G running Linux and Windows 7.2 SP 12 

By then, most phones sold to kids won't have speakers or 
microphones, only keyboards. Texting is how everyone under 25 uses 
phones to communicate now...the phones will mutate to better 
support that use case.


On Wed Dec 09 11:42:02 CST 2009, chris chambers 
<fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Jeff,
> while my daughter is only 3 1/2, I see no reason why you can't 
> simply block texting on the plan.
> Could this lead to a pissed teen, sure...but they won't be 
> texting.
> I'll probably be the hated father, I see know reason teens need a 
> phone except for emergencies, it's for communication.
> Get a prepaid phone with a plug for the car and put it in the 
> glove box, teen needs to call you it's there.
> Why do teens need all the other gadgets, they don't. If the 
> gadgets can cause so many problems why provide them?
> Chris

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