[s-cars] Vacuum leak
Eric Phillips
gcmschemist at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 15:25:07 PST 2009
Well, I wasn't thinking that.
But it's not far away from what I am thinking. I think that each
generation thinks it invented both sex and the automobile. Listening
to old fogies (Forgies?) about maintenance and proper repair manuals
and all that boring crap is for old guys and suckers.
Cory will find out how frustrating an old Audi is in not very long.
And just you wait - he'll be back, with a whole other list of problems
caused by his inattention to the first problem. And by that time, the
car will be worth parts value, and nothing more. And he won't have
the patience, money or skill to solve the problem.
To Cory:
Old Audis can be the most fun, and the worst nightmare, you've ever
had. They can be VERY fast, always luxurious, and fly completely
under everyone's radar. Some of us like that last one. Whipping up
on guys in their dick-extender cars is a ton of fun. But if you don't
figure out how to properly troubleshoot and fix your car with quality
parts, you'll wish you'd never been so dumb as to buy it.
Back to Dave:
He won't listen. He's going to re-invent the wheel here, and be back
on the list numerous times, asking all the same questions that have
been asked eleventy times before.
> Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:52:20 -0500
> From: djdawson2 at aol.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Vacuum leak
> You know what? I'll go ahead and be the prick on the list and say what everyone else is thinking:
> Beating your buddies from the stoplight to the 711 isn't a goal, it isan outcome. The goal should be to learn enough so that you are capableof making that outcome possible. I've helped at least a half dozenyoung guys like you (I'm guessing 17-23 years of age) with theirS-cars. One characteristic of these guys has always been consistent: They want the result, but they really don't want to work for it in anyway, shape, or form.
> Nope, their time is invested in the latest Wii, Playstation or computergame, banging out emails on their iPhone, and updating their Facebookand/or Twitter account so that their friends can be aware of when theytook their last dump.
> Not really sure why I'm wasting keystrokes on my Saturday preaching toyou like I'm your dad... because it'll almost inevitably be a waste ofeffort. But my message is simple: Learn something, or be armed with alarge wallet so that you can pay someone else to do it for you... andbe prepared to pay for it for the rest of your life. And that's nosmall joke either. I was just told a story from a local young S ownerabout his recent coil replacement... $1100 for one new OE coil and aset of plugs. That adds up to a ton of coin over the years... and hewill be a victim forever, when it comes to car maintenance.
> If you were to take some advice, I'd suggest that you put your phone down, get off your ass,and find a good book on the internal combustion engine and read it fromcover to cover. I'd bet $10k that you couldn't name the 4 strokes,tell us how a relay works, or even the fundamentals of the chargingsystem without jumping on the internet. You need to understand theseprinciples if you ever want to understand how to make some horsepoweror take care of a car. You've already demonstrated that you are indesperate need of some learning when you drew a connection between yourauto door locks and your boost issue.
> Learn something, then ask intelligent questions. You have $5k to spendto build a good engine? Used properly, you will not only beat Sti'sand Evo's, you'll smoke them (unless they are heavily modified). Believe it or not, not a whole lot is needed to do this, and I speakfrom experience. My own 4000lb pig has run a 12.400 at 113.35at 3300 feet above sea level running 23psi of boost. This with acompletely stock block, pistons, head, intake manifold, etc... It alsouses a stock chipped ECU and a stock MAF. In fact, the entireinjection system is stock except for chips and injector size. I used aheader, the right turbo, a home built FMIC, and a home built exhaust system. I'll bet I didn't spend $5k from air filter to tailpipe.
> Like I said, I'm prolly wasting my time stating this stuff. But if youever want to be capable of doing these things, you must at least learna little bit up front... and you haven't done that yet. Invest alittle time in educating yourself. It'll pay big dividends in the longrun, and save you countless dollars in your lifetime.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cory Pio <cpio921 at gmail.com>
> To: djdawson2 at aol.com <djdawson2 at aol.com>
> Cc: mikellardizabal at yahoo.com <mikellardizabal at yahoo.com>; s-car-list at audifans.com <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Sat, Dec 12, 2009 12:15 pm
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Vacuum leak
> Well I got the car for a g so I'm just trying to make keep up withmy buddies stis and evo and the like. If something breaks I'll fix it.Should be real good until the new turbo if I get this bpv/ boost issuefigured out l. All is well
> Take it easy fellas
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