[s-cars] Now Blown head gasket - was : stumble and smoke at idle

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Tue Dec 15 05:33:15 PST 2009


before you start tearing apart your motor, see if your exhaust smells like coolant.

I would start by looking at the usual suspects, the coolant reservoir, all hose connections, the thermostat T, the elbow on the back of the head, the heater valve, etc.


On Dec 14, 2009, at 11:34 PM, james McCarthy wrote:

> Thanks - so haven't checked compression yet but... Stumble Stumble Stumble for 10-15 seconds on start up (clears in 10-15 seconds) with copious smoky exhaust that clears after 10-15 minutes of driving with a 1 inch drop in coolant in 48 hours (total of 15 miles driven) - seems like it must be the head gasket??? otherwise I have both fleas and ticks....  BUt will hunt for other loss potentials...
> -jamie
> --- On Mon, 12/14/09, Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com> wrote:
>> From: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Now Blown head gasket - was : stumble and smoke  at idle
>> To: "james McCarthy" <jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com>
>> Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 10:13 PM
>> *This message was transferred with a
>> trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>> Jamie,
>> There are many ways for coolant to be lost.  Only a
>> few of them go with a blown head gasket.
>> Other than loss of coolant do you have any other symptoms
>> suggesting a blown head gasket?  Is there evidence of
>> coolant in the oil pan?  Have you checked compression
>> for all cylinders?  Any of them down
>> significantly?  Any evidence of engine gases backing up
>> through the coolant reservoir?
>> Bob
>> At 10:52 PM 12/14/2009, you wrote:
>>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of
>> CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>>> So while pulling the injectors this evening to check
>> for leaks noticed the coolant had dropped 1 inch from
>> yesterday... so I geuss head gasket it is.  Crap.
>>> So what else to do while I'm there... just did the
>> t-belt and h20 pump a year ago... but crazy not to just do
>> them again I guess.  ARP studs, metal gasket...
>> anything else?
>>> thanks
>>> -jamie
>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 11:54 AM, james McCarthy
>> <jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com>wrote:
>>>> Ok,
>>>> New problem. 2 days ago my s6 (full OEM RS2 bits)
>> developed a stumble on
>>>> initial start up - but cleared within the first
>> 10 seconds or so of driving.
>>>>   This was associated with thick exhaust.
>> Considered ignition
>>>> (coil/pos/plugs) or leaking injector.  So
>> replaced the plugs (new bosch
>>>> F5DPOR) and the stumble seemed to be gone...
>>>> However this am the stumble was back on initial
>> start up only - not as
>>>> severe and lasted just 2-3 seconds... but now I
>> have "heavy" exhaust at idle
>>>> even after driving for 10-15 minutes.  No
>> puffs with hard acceleration just
>>>> at idle... car seems to be running perfectly
>> otherwise pulls strong to
>>>> redline with full boost and no stumbles...
>>>> So where to start - I doubt coil/pos (5 new oem
>> 20K ago)  as I would expect
>>>> the stumble to persist.  So I'm thinking PCV
>> system as I can't figure why a
>>>> leaking injector would result in continued thick
>> idle. Also while turbo
>>>> seals or valve seals are possible - I can't
>> figure how they would cause the
>>>> initial rough idle.
>>>> So plan is to clean out the PVC system (also
>> installing a catch can) and
>>>> also see if I can determine if an injector is
>> leaking.  Any thoughts or
>>>> advice would be appreciated.
>>>> tia
>>>> -jamie
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-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA

1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
1991 90Q 20v Q Red
1991 90Q 20v Indigo
1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient) 

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