[s-cars] Suspension shit list

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Wed Dec 16 09:23:20 PST 2009


I would be very suspect of the long term quality of the FEQ parts.
Without contrary evidence I put them into the Meyle category.

My experience has lead me to rely on corteco, boge, lemfoerder, TRW/moog only for suspension bits.  I've used OCAP rear links, but they squeeked and rusted quicky, not worth the money saved vs lemfoerder.


On Dec 16, 2009, at 4:36 AM, Cory Pio wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I just ordered the following parts from partsgeek.com to completely  
> revamp my clunking rolling stock 131000 mile suspension: febi tie rod  
> assembly right and left), febi control arms rear left and right, Trw  
> complete front left and right control arms with inner and outer  
> bushings and control arms, 2 feq strut bearing and upper strut mounts,  
> and feq trailing arm bushings. Oh and last but not least oes genuine  
> sway bar bushings.
> Now can I get your guys honest opinions on feq parts for the strut  
> bearings and upper mounts. I dot want my car to clunk in the front end  
> anymore. I will be ordering konis and hr races to complete the package.
> What do I do about the stock rear shock mounts. Is there a replacement  
> option? Any other key components I am missing that should be replaced  
> in a full suspension overhaul? This is my first time undertaking the  
> suspension on my s4. I want to get this solid so I don't have to worry  
> about it for awhile.
> Oh an thanks for the tips guys I turned out that replacing the bpv  
> fixed all my problems and the turbo is spoiling perfect in 1 st again,  
> hitting 15psi everytime. Thank again everyone
> Take it easy
> Sent from my iPhoneo
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-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA

1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
1991 90Q 20v Q Red
1991 90Q 20v Indigo
1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient) 

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