[s-cars] NAC, but one of our crafty, verbiage loaded, JNR authors has hit the big show

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Thu Dec 17 12:30:31 PST 2009


Hey Paulie,

Read the article last night.  Gheeash!  No hurtz cars, no beer, no traffic
cones, no umbrella girls in the trunk.  What gives?  You need some 

Mystique ala "The Stig."

Way to go!  Congrats!  At last.  No doubt having 300 odd critics over the
last several years has nudged you in the right direction.

We take full credit.  

And, since AFAIK you are now the only REAL writer to ever pen to this List,
too bad you've been banned and placed on

double secret probation.    Bwahaha!   


Bill~with high praise and misdemeanors~M






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