[s-cars] S6 Avant hatch strut BTDT

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sat Dec 19 19:24:07 PST 2009

I bought the Meistersatz brand strut replacements for my avant hatch  
it dropped on my head a couple of times two winters ago.  They hold the
hatch up just fine but are a little stiffer than the original, and  
creak and groan
when closing in the summer.

I would have bought Stabilus if I had found them then at $35.  The  
Audi part
was about twice that.  Lee Levitt (lee at wheelman.com) has mentioned there
are two opening heights for the strut- one is for low garage ceilings,  
but if you
are tall you must remember to duck.


On Dec 19, 2009, at 4:04 PM tom at tomwintermedia.com and douglas.fifield@
gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all, in the very cold weather we've been having here in CO, my  
> rear hatch
> no longer wants to stay up (still works when warmer out, but not as  
> well as
> it used to).
> I'm thinking it's time to swap out the old struts and replace. Any
> particular strut manufacturers to choose? Any to avoid? I've seen  
> Stabilus
> for about $35 bucks online. Good or bad choice?
> Thanks,
> Tom '95 S6 Avant

> Also interested in sourcing new struts for the avant.
> Douglas in MN
> 95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
> 73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank

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