[s-cars] phantom sunroof

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu Dec 24 07:14:42 PST 2009

Water down the back of the neck usually means the rain tray at the  
back of the sunroof has not
drained or is detached from the sunroof.  If the sunroof cover slides  
all the way back out of sight
while the sunroof is closed the attachment arms are broken and the  
rain tray is out of position.
This will allow the water to collect on the headliner board thence  
down your neck.

The rear drains usually have to be cleaned from the bottom up.

The AW or QW FAQ has some information on repairing the rain tray.

Since the wiper arms are common with the A6 they are plentiful at the  
salvage yard.


> On Wednesday December 23 2009 at 1:29 PM <jack at walkerperformancegroup.com 
> > wrote:
> "Over the years I've cleaned out the darn things numerous times, but  
> it
> always seems to be the time that I've got a couple feet of snow on  
> the top
> of the car and then drive back to Portland from the mountains that  
> the snow
> starts sliding around, melts and it's down the neck.
> It's like I must not be cleaning the things out right!
> Weed Wacker line doesn't seem to be stiff enough, and things like  
> clothes
> hangers are too stiff and scratch the paint. I'll get it again this  
> long
> weekend!
> So on another note, be careful if you do have a big pile of snow on  
> the
> roof. If it slides forward and has any weight in the snow it will  
> jam the
> wipers and the posts of the arm attachment will simply strip out the  
> threads
> on the arms and take the threads on the posts with it if it  
> continues to run
> ever so slightly. Temporary fix to reattach the arms is to stuff  
> them with
> steel wool to fill the striped out threads. Wouldn't you think Audi  
> would
> have the arms designed to be sacrificial rather than take out the  
> complete
> post threads. Is there a way to replace the threaded post?"
> Jack

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