[s-cars] Driving as hard as possible

Calvin Young calvinyoung at cox.net
Thu Feb 5 09:01:29 PST 2009

> one issue with the driving the car is the registration is gone,  
> ended last november.  Chicken-egg thing, can't get it fixed if i  
> cannot drive it, but does the state care?  Probably not and surely  
> the fix they have is untenable (buy temp tags or such).  I could  
> put tags from another car on the Audi and take a chance, and that  
> is what i will do.  That rules out driving the car hard as it draws  
> attention from the revenue officers (cops).  Also, in Virginia 20  
> miles over the limit here is a felony.  Everyone should remember if  
> you are driving in this state.  All of the nazi's and far right  
> guys did not go to Argentina.  They actually became legislators.   
> They actually managed to pass a law that would have charged people  
> 3 grand or such for speeding.  Fortunately sanity prevailed and  
> that was repealed, but it is still bad.  In Virginia, stick with  
> the crowd because driving slow is an invitation to disaster, but  
> not a mph over or the revenue officer will nab you.

Bottom line, I will change the tags, put in the Techron and drive as  
much as possible, put in the BG 44 with more gas, more driving,  
change the plugs, air filter, warm the car up as hot as possible and  
hope for the best.


> Message: 8
> Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 10:02:53 -0500
> From: "JC" <jc at j2c3.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Material for spark plugs
> To: "'Calvin Young'" <calvinyoung at cox.net>,
> 	"'S-Car-List at Audifans.Com'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <BAA5CF0A8A5148BA8D7E85240663EA1B at SUPERSONIC>
> Plugs? Topic of great debate as some are firm true believers of
> OEM-Spec-Bosch-Only: F5DPOR. I've thrown caution to the wind and NGK
> Iridiums in the car and they're working nicely, no sign of  
> loosening or any
> running issues. Probably 6K on them?  Gapped to .025. The Bosch I  
> think are
> supposed to be 'pre-gapped' but I've always found that to be a  
> spurious
> claim if you start measuring them (aka not a tight spec within the  
> same
> box)...
> BTW, another common tip is to drive it as hard as possible  
> immediately prior
> - the purpose being to heat the cats up as hot as possible for the  
> test.
> Some suggest if you're stuck waiting at the station to keep the car  
> idling
> and revving it regularly... that may or may not be feasible or  
> acceptable...

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