[s-cars] Off-topic: Lotus Notes / iPhone compatibility

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Sun Feb 8 19:00:49 PST 2009

Looks like they all use Notes webmail, which, at my current client, is  
nothing more than a dream. Which is why we're converting them to  
Exchange. If your Lotes offers webmail (browser access to email), then  
you're close. If no browser/webmail, then it looks like you're hosed.  
In any event, rots-o-ruck.

On 07 Feb, 2009, at 11:26, Lee Levitt wrote:

> A quick off-topic question...if any of you has been able to
> successfully get an iPhone to talk to Lotus Notes, I'd love to
> chat offline.
> I've got a week or so to figure out if I can replace my Blackberry
> with the iPhone...my corporate IT department only supports the
> Blackberry, so I'm on my own. :)
> From what I can find, there are two apps available, an iNote app
> from IBM and NotesPro from a developer in Austin (Jimmy Mooney).
> I downloaded and installed the latter app yesterday, but it's not
> working yet, and I'm wondering what other options are out
> there...
> Mandatory Audi content -- I've got an A4 racing application
> installed. :)
> Thanks,
> Lee
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