[s-cars] Scott J's nonsense with the RMC

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Thu Feb 12 19:03:09 PST 2009

This kind of drivel, coming from an S-List newbie, smacks of defensive  
smoke, as in, where there's smoke, there's fire. Scott J is a long- 
time contributor to this and many other Audi forums, whereas, in my  
lengthy Audi list time, you are a virtual newcomer.

The contributions offered by Scott J are legion, and all offered with  
both humility and humor, and observation separated from opinion. The  
contributions you've made over the years to this or other Audi lists?  
Enlighten us, but please be sure to cite references, or offer  
observable fact to back up your pinion.

BTW, your second paragraph completely contradicts itself, but the  
logic is amusing.

Speaking of logic, doesn't a BoD sit to serve its members,and not the  
other way around? The implication in your diatribe at the end of your  
note leads a thoughtful reader to believe otherwise.

-Ian Duff, sent from my iPhone.

On Feb 12, 2009, at 21:04, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:

> It appears that since I've been ignoring Scott's jibes and assaults  
> to my personal email account and AudiWorld that he has to come on  
> this list to crow about his "success".
> Scott, I'm ignoring you on purpose. Your claims are baseless and  
> don't demand my attention. I have better things to do with my time  
> than waste it on you.
> Surprisingly, I do have a life outside of defending myself from your  
> attacks. When I'm done taking care of my private practice, patients,  
> family, service to my country, and duties on the RMC board, I'll set  
> a time to talk with the membership. The RMC BoD has been talking  
> about sitting down with all the members as we did last November to  
> answer questions. Not to worry, RMC will come out rosy.
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