[s-cars] LAF Weakend Math & Physics (NAC)

Mark Strangways MarkS1234 at spamarrest.com
Fri Feb 13 05:27:50 PST 2009

Isn't this the same as What GM owes :-)

On 12-Feb-09, at 11:59 PM, bill mahoney wrote:

> Let's get right to it:
> PALO ALTO, CA - An international mathematics research team announced  
> today
> that they had discovered a new integer that surpasses any previously  
> known
> value "by a totally mindblowing shitload." Project director Yujin  
> Xiao of
> Stanford University said the theoretical number, dubbed a  
> "stimulus," could
> lead to breakthroughs in fields as diverse as astrophysics, quantum
> mechanics, and Chicago asphalt contracting.
> "Unlike previous large numbers like the Googleplex or the  
> Bazillionty, the
> Stimulus has no static numerical definition," said Xiao. "It keeps  
> growing
> and growing, compounding factorially, eating up all zeros in its  
> path. It
> moves freely across Cartesian dimensions and has the power to make  
> any other
> number irrational."
> Jean-Luc Brossard, a researcher with the European consortium CERN,  
> said the
> number is so staggeringly large that it is difficult for even  
> mathematicians
> to grasp, let alone lay people.
> "The number itself is incomprehensible by human minds, and can only be
> theoretically understood in a fractional parallel universe which we  
> refer to
> as the DC dimension," said Brossard. "The best way to understand a  
> stimulus
> is to imagine a dollar sign followed by a packed string of hexidecimal
> nanodigits, wound into a triple helix, woven into a dodecahedron, and
> stacked on top of one another. Now imagine you were a black hole on  
> the far
> edge of the universe, trying to escape the stimulus at 30 times the  
> speed of
> light. The stimulus would still catch up to you and ram your black  
> hole with
> such furious, repeated force that it would cause your entire reality  
> itself
> to collapse."
> Bill~Dr. Phil of Economics~M
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