[s-cars] Scott J's nonsense with the RMC

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Fri Feb 13 05:35:12 PST 2009

Dr. Wyte.

Glad to see that you have your priorities in order.

Perhaps time for reflection and to make the decision that you are 
spread to thin to effectively represent your chapter?

" When I'm done taking care of my private practice, patients, family, 
service to my country, and duties on the RMC board, I'll set a time 
to talk with the membership"

This is an overarching issue with much of the ACNA - there seems to 
be a general loss of the understanding that they are ELECTED and 
REPRESENT the membership...
i.e. its not about YOU it's about THEM.

If you don't have time to represent the interests of your chapter, as 
opposed to your own agenda, then DON'T.
I came to that conclusion two years ago myself and that's why I 
didn't seek re election as a director in my ACNA chapter.

This type of continued activity  at the chapter and national level is 
exactly what prevents alot of very experienced, passionate, caring 
(ACNA or the quattro club didn't keep me as a sustained Audi owner,. 
the online communities did) people from joining the ACNA, is 
undermining the overall club mission, and will ultimately be it's undoing.

and unlike your supporters on AW, I'll actually use my name in responding...

-Peter Schulz

At 02:04 AM 2/13/2009 +0000, docwyte at comcast.net wrote:
>It appears that since I've been ignoring Scott's jibes and assaults 
>to my personal email account and AudiWorld that he has to come on 
>this list to crow about his "success".
>Scott, I'm ignoring you on purpose. Your claims are baseless and 
>don't demand my attention. I have better things to do with my time 
>than waste it on you.
>Surprisingly, I do have a life outside of defending myself from your 
>attacks. When I'm done taking care of my private practice, patients, 
>family, service to my country, and duties on the RMC board, I'll set 
>a time to talk with the membership. The RMC BoD has been talking 
>about sitting down with all the members as we did last November to 
>answer questions. Not to worry, RMC will come out rosy.
>S-CAR-List mailing list
>S-CAR-List at audifans.com

-Peter Schulz
Chelmsford Ma, USA

1995.5 S6 Avant Emerald/Ecru
1995.5 S6 Avant Silver/Platinum
1991 90 20v Q Red
1991 CQ silver  (eS2 recipient) 

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