[s-cars] Greyhound

Calvin Young calvinyoung at cox.net
Fri Feb 13 09:08:34 PST 2009

Ship it Greyhound if you want them to trash your stuff to pieces.    
If you not pack it in an iron box, they WILL mess it up.  I had a  
hood shipped from CA (shipper's choice).  Besidesa all that, if you  
do not insure it, all they will pay is $100 and then they did not pay  
that.  Shipper beware.

On Feb 12, 2009, at 3:00 PM, s-car-list-request at audifans.com wrote:

> Gentz,
> Kalamazoo area friend of mine is shopping for an interior for his V- 
> dub,
> and keeps finding good interiors in places like CT.
> Just wondering, I've heared of some shipping pieces via Greyhound,  
> what
> other options are there available?
> Is there anyone who drives from CT past MI often that would be  
> interested
> in hauling back some V-dub seats?
> Thanks

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