[s-cars] My reply to Peter

qshipq at aol.com qshipq at aol.com
Fri Feb 13 18:31:52 PST 2009

 dgraber460 at aol.com; docwyte at comcast.net; pcschulz at comcast.net, bradigan at bestweb.net, 
Dennis et. al. (mssrs Wyte and Bradigan too?)
I have attempted to handle Mr. Wyte and the "RMC BOD" with my best efforts towards respect to his charges in the past 3 weeks.  Un-be-knownst to me prior, the actions of the RMC towards the Gruppe-q Event appear to be the standard fare.  I don't find it frustrating, I find the reciprocity of same scrutiny may apply?  Referencing typical Board of Director responsibilities, The BOD Secretary (so documented at RMC as Josh Wyte) is responsible for maintaining up to date, all documents with regard to the activities of the Board, and the Membership of the Club.  Which means by definition, that Josh Wyte, speaking on behalf of the "RMC" Board should have all these documents current and at his disposal.  Here's my first discovery in a simple to follow logic train.  To wit:

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