[s-cars] ACNA Gruppe-q Steamboat Ice Experience 2009 - Event Report

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Feb 25 13:01:26 PST 2009

Scotty skated:

<<<Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 11:12:49 EST
From: QSHIPQ at aol.com
Subject: [s-cars] ACNA Gruppe-q Steamboat Ice Experience 2009 - Event

Howdy q-heads!
Another sit-down at the confessional already?  Alas  a solid 3 weeks has
passed since Gruppe-q band of Ice Dancers insurged the Rocky  Mountains, and set
up camp in the snow covered Mountains of Steamboat Springs  CO.  Celebrating my
15th year at this venue, and 7th year as rink  choreographer at this fine
venue, the ice was thick, the weather stellar, and  the banks unforgiving.  We
entertained with a vide variety of Quattros  present, from a massively tweeked
ersatz-RS4 to a pristine 4000q, not forgetting  the crazy Aussie mustered in
the LT1Q, present and accounted for.    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the
first week of February turned out to be one  of our finer episodes of Dancing on
Ice.  Per my usual modus, please find  the attached report in my usual "Best
of" format.  >>>


Yet another fun read Best Of, chock full 'o prose - some real great visuals there!  Speaking of - eagerly await we do pics / vids from aforementioned Mikee Cam yes!

Be interesting to see how all the nuclear storm dust settles for certain 'ones' out that way uh huh.  Made their beds it seems - reap what sewn...

Glad to have offered whatever trivial support I could.  Only when the shoe fits, and, well...

Somehow, someday - I will 'get there' I will.

Until then - great to hear you guys all enjoying some wild camaraderie like that...  so successfully, and for so many years.  And (hopefully)...  so JNR.

Keep up the good werk out thar.


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