[s-cars] Suspension input requested: Eibachs vs 92 springs

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 14:20:06 PST 2009

I sports and HD's have the same damping rates, the only difference is the
length of the shock (sports are short enough not to bottom with lowered
springs, but are too short and will top out with stock springs, BTDT). I
personally find that the Eibach Bilstein combo is near perfect, just a weeee
bit soft in roll and transient response and with no perceptible head toss,
(IOW, just a weeee bit underdamped), and that's in potholed upstate NY. If I
were to do it all over again, I'd go with custom valved Bilsteins, but it's
really no firmer than any number of current higher end sport sedans.

In fact, what got me to bite on the then hard to find Eibach's (with the
Bilsteins) was a ride in Chi Wong's 200 20V with the same combination. FWIW,
the UrS's stiffer tub actually makes the ride better than Chi's 200. It's a
WAY nicer combo than the H&R/Bilsteins on my 200Q.


On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:18 AM, James Murray <james.murray at ericsson.com>wrote:

> I always heard the Eibachs and Bilstein where the perfect combo... Are
> they the Bilstein HD or sports?
> Cheers, /Jamu.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of chris chambers
> Sent: February 26, 2009 11:14 AM
> To: Scar
> Subject: [s-cars] Suspension input requested: Eibachs vs 92 springs
> Gentz,
> my S6 came on Eibachs with some flavor of Bilstein shocks/struts.
> It's a little harsh fo rmy preference but I love the ride height.
> Michigan is not known for it's smooth roads, and I travel I-94 back and
> forrth between Toledo and Kalamazoo 2-3 times a week.
> Atleast one of the front struts is bad, so I have some decisions to make
> on how to set this car up to get the ride I prefer.
> In my pile o stuff I have new (still in the box)boge shocks/struts that
> I originally was going to pair with my oh so clean n powdercoated 92
> springs.
> But I've read on Audiworld that some have combined the Eibach springs
> with Boge shocks/struts for the "perfect combination" of firmness and
> ride height.
> So I welcome your input, what shocks/struts would go good with the
> Eibachs, and is there a good reason to swap from the Eibachs to the 92
> springs?
> Thanks
> Chris
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