[s-cars] Disappearing aintifreeze

mtgadbois at aol.com mtgadbois at aol.com
Thu Jan 1 17:02:21 PST 2009

To those who gave suggestions, thank you.

The cause of the problem turned out to be the black plastic connector beyond the back of the cylinder head.? The connector joins the heater core hose and a hose from the engine.? It also holds a coolant temperature sensor.? Both arms of the connector had broken but with the hose clamps in place everything looked fine.? Only until the loss of coolant rose to a significant level was it was somewhat easy to see the wet area.? Towards the end I was loosing a quart a day.? I went directly to the steeler for the part - $21 special order.? It's a 10 minute job to replace, add in another 20 minutes to carefully remove the sensor, clean it (I greased it up) and reassemble on the new piece.? By the way I have 147K miles and if you have not replaced yours, I bet yours is broken too.? Remember I was leaking coolant for the past 2 years, it was only noticeable in the winter and I only added coolant in the winter - probably only 2 quarts in total until this winter.? 

Thanks again and Happy New Year,

Mark near Chicago

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