[s-cars] Apikol coil kit failure question
chris chambers
fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 2 12:18:42 PST 2009
Bob, Gentz
because he has the 1.8 coil conversion I've found it's easier to
simply swap out a known good coil with each coil, starting from
cylinder 1 working towards cylinder 5.
You know you've found the bad coil when the miss goes away
--- Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com> wrote:
> Ron,
> A failing coil usually manifests itself as a high boost miss which
> goes away when you get down off the loud pedal somewhat. It will get
> progressively worse until the miss is present all the time and it
> then emulates a failed PSO.
> To identify the failing coil:
> Disconnect the plug for injector #1 and go for a high boost run. The
> engine will, of course be missing full time on #1 and if the failing
> coil is still active (IOW, it isn't #1) the miss will get even worse
> at boost (2 cylinders missing rather than just one) and, therefore
> you can conclude that the failing coil isn't #1.
> Repeat for the rest of the coils one at a time. The failing coil is
> the one which when tested doesn't have the miss get even worse when
> at boost.
> Bob
> At 01:47 PM 1/2/2009, ron kirkham wrote:
> >For those of you with this kit, I have a question on coil failures.
> I have
> >the modified coils that were supplied with the kit (not the high HP
> kit, the
> >normal HP kit) and an extra for the inevitable failure. This kit
> was
> >purchased in October of '07, and I have the -115R coils. Plugs were
> >replaced at the same time as the coil install with new boots.
> Victim is my
> >'93 S4 with 235k miles.
> >
> >My question is, do the coil failures "feel" the same as the original
> stock
> >coil/PSO set up? I am getting a higher rpm, heavy load studder
> >(ocassionally) that feels very similar to previous coil failures I
> have had,
> >but this is my first issue with this new set-up. What is the best
> way to
> >figure out which coil may be failing since this only happens when
> I'm heavy
> >on the go pedal? Do I just wait for the coil to fail at idle so I
> can pull
> >injector plugs?
> >
> >Also, I don't beleive this to be the ignition switch related
> shut-off that
> >many have reported, it's not nearly that severe. Just a slight
> >studder/stumble that doesn't happen if I'm not heavy on the gas.
> Besides,
> >as preventative maintenance, I replaced the ignition switch with an
> Audi
> >fresh one about 1.5 yrs. ago. Not to say that could not be failing,
> but I
> >don't think it's that.
> >
> >Any input appreciated. TIA
> >
> >Ron Kirkham
> >93 S4, with the stumbles to start '09
> >95.5 S6A, safely garaged
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