[s-cars] Disappearing antifreeze

mtgadbois at aol.com mtgadbois at aol.com
Sun Jan 4 12:19:15 PST 2009

In response to:
The OEM Audi coolant and the Pentosin coolant equivalents will all  
leave a white trace or splatter pattern from even the smallest of  
coolant leaks.  If you are using this coolant,  you have to be  
incompetent not to find the leak source in only minutes of searching,  
or have a very dirty engine compartment.   If you are using the green  
stuff,  then leaks can be more difficult to find, especially
in the Chicago winter.  : > )

Incompetent?- Ouch!

Maybe the white stuff is the explanation as to to why I had to replace 
2 heater cores, one in a 5000T and one in a 200Q as well as a radiator 
in a TQC.  No, I'm not using the Audi stuff.  I use the orange phosphate 
free stuff from Prestone.  The price is right and it seems to work fine. 
It's been in since 2004.  I was going to replace it this summer but with 
the leaks and topping off maybe I don't need to?  Just kidding.

Mark near Chicago

BTW the stuff in my Boxster is green and it's been in for 11 years.
P says no need to change. No leakys either.

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