[s-cars] Speaking of Eyetalian cars....I watched

matt ludwig. urs6avant at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 08:35:02 PST 2009

And don't forget about Ruff around the corner.... ;)


On Jan 9, 2009, at 11:09 AM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:

> Taka-
> I'm pretty sure they're open, well to a certain degree as far as  
> what you can access.  Ferrari in Maranello obviously, Lambo in Santa  
> d'Agata I think, or maybe moved to Bologna.  Forget.  Google.
> We hit MB & Porsche whilst doing our whirlwind Euro tour in '00.   
> And of course der 'Ring muwahhahaha 8-).  A MUST DO.  We had too  
> much touristy stuff going on in Italy to do F&L unfort.  Next time.
> Munich (Audi / BMW) are further east from where we were in Stuttgart  
> for MB & Porsche.  Der 'Ring was maybe a 2.5hr. (IIRC) WOT 120mph  
> drive N by NW.  We ran there, 5 laps, and back in quick day trip.   
> We had come in via Austria and heading back to Paris after so going  
> further east was out unfort.  Again, next time.
> MB is literally a corner of the city.  We saw old museum only while  
> traversing their massive grounds, and the new museum is supposed to  
> be tits AND nipples - not sure where is now.
> Porsche is in Zuffenhousen, a borough of Stuttgart.  Looks like a  
> TINY college campus, and their museum is absurd - a 50x100' (maybe)  
> hallway, but it's a must do regardless.  Some insane stuff inside of  
> course.
> -Paul
> ________________________________
> From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:49 AM
> To: mikellardizabal at yahoo.com
> Cc: s.sikss at gmail.com; s-car-list at audifans.com; Krasusky Paul  
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Speaking of Eyetalian cars....I watched
> Mike-
> I was approached by one of my friends about doing a car tour of  
> Bavaria and northern Italy- do you know if the Lambo and Ferrari  
> factories are open to the public? I imagine I'd have to arrange for  
> a tour reservation, but if you happen to know.......
> I would visit Ferrari, Lamborghini, Pagani, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and  
> if we could swing it, BMW, Mercedes and Porsche- I don't really know  
> where Ingolstadt is in relation to Munich. I'd also try to visit the  
> Nurburgring and the Stelvio Pass.
> That would be an insane road trip, though. I'm sure someone on the  
> list knows the deal........
> Taka
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