[s-cars] driving report - 2weeks after the rs2 uprgade

james McCarthy jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 12 12:13:14 PST 2009

So I now have two weeks on my rs2's s6. Went with the OEM rs2 turbo, manifold, injectors, and MAF. Used the AW FAQ parts list to insure I had everything. The short studs that Alex and 034 sells seemed a bit too short for my taste - so I just cut the stockers... Also took the opportunity to install a new stromung gen V down pipe with the flex segment - a thing of beauty. 
Went with IA software stage IV.
Install went fairly smoothly - predictable stalls for wrench modification... Anyway - what a gas to drive... the avant feels soooo slow now. I had a rattle that was quickly sorted out - (heat shield making contact with the down pipe). Overall I can't get over just how smooth it is - feels like bottomless power.
Thanks to everyone who chipped in... FAQ write-ups and prompt responses.

I do have two pieces of advice:
1)For future exhaust upgraders - remove the waste gate before removing the down pipe - makes things MUCH easier.
2) My kit came with 13mm exhaust manifold nuts - stock were 12mm. The 12mm nuts are much much easier to deal with on the bottom 3 challenging spots. I'd strongly recommend 12mm for anyone planning and exhaust manifold upgrade.


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