[s-cars] Just cut out and died.

McCall, Randy rmccall at nexant.com
Wed Jan 14 12:06:36 PST 2009

Hey Bill,
Only time I had bad gas in a tank was long ago in the high school days;
put gas in car, drove maybe a quarter mile before car started chokin'
and dieing.  'Dat was all she wrote until the gas got drained and
replaced... (and yes, the AFB gas station did admit it - could have been
that there was more than one dead car to deal with in close proximity
helping that admission).  There was a big rain storm at Edwards AFB
(talk about desert...), and the rarely experienced rain water leaked
into the tank (gas was probably continuously leaking into the desert as
well, being it was the early 70's and who gave a damn back then).  Good
gas and no water and all was well again for that Pontiac tuna boat.
I did a pretty nice job of sealing up the splices on the CPS
replacement, but lookin' good from the outside sure doesn't mean that
those skinny little wires are still makin' good contact.  That was a
bitch doing that splice as I recall.  But just in case it's a Pinot
deficiency, and since I still haven't sent you that promised elixer, AND
its a good time to hit the PO, I'll send you an emergency ration as
promised.  I'll send it to your office unless that address has changed.
Cheers, and good luck.  But if you are continuing to have problems, I'll
consider a trade for my Pearl over Ecru 95.5 S6A - not RS2'd,and 123K
now, but at least it runs pretty damn well (and that new paint job ya
got is da bomb!)


From: Bill Mahoney [mailto:wmahoney at disk.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:46 AM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Cc: McCall, Randy
Subject: [s-cars] Just cut out and died.

Hey Randy!

All good points you make there.

I had asked my mechanic to check over the cps during rebuild and he had
said he did for whatever that means.

The car "was" totally fine until gas fill up and like I said it did die
within five minutes and < a couple hundred yards at the drive in teller

I had never had the S car just stall out like that out while idling.
So, watered gas /frozen line it "could" be although I doubt the station
would ever admit it.

I did probably about 90 seconds (on and off) of subsequent cranking.
Wouldn't this purge H2O?  I had added a bottle + of dry gas to the tank
about 30 minutes and maybe 10 miles before the final failure.  

Could be too that Randy's old cylinder block requires a bit of Pinot
Noir fuel mixture?

Also something to throw in the mix was that I believe that the
thermostat was stuck open and the temp gauge was maybe only 1/8" or so
off of cold.  I had ordered a new thermostat yesterday which I had hoped
to install this weakend.  (BTW the stealer wants $95 for this now...
last one I got there was I think $35ish.  Would up getting a Wahler with
o ring for $20... good??)

Stay tuned.

Dead Bill M


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