[s-cars] alignment Q

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Jan 14 12:23:28 PST 2009

NAC, in fact it's a Porsche.

So The Boy insisted we make a 930 (of course) for his inaugural Pinewood Derby this year - could he pick a more bulbous car?  Oy.  We're nearing completion and ready to mount wheels.

Question for the Geekdom here - what is the 'fastest alignment' for a car that only has to go down a straight hill?  I'm thinking maximum negative camber (to decrease wheel surface friction on track) and zero toe - F&R.

Am I right?

Also - rules state cannot add bearings.  I just got the genius (I think) idea to separate the wheel from its integral hub via a cut, and then glue the 'hub' onto the car, polishing both contacting surfaces of wheel / hub.  Think 1) this would be effective and 2) think it's legal?  We're not 'adding' anything and using what's provided.  I do have a note in the Cubmaster on it, I can pretty much guess the reply of course but figured I'd ask anyway.

Any other hotrodder tricks appreciated - we're already polishing the axles and wheels and hubs best we can, using graphite lube, etc.

Insight appreciated - by Tyler 8-).

We pretty darn well nailed the 930 look - esp. the rear flanks and profile, and front nose.  Unfort. rules dictate must use OE axle locations and then they limit max width, result is a 930LWB.  Hindsight would have me approach the front flares different and run them further into the doors - next time.  And the front wheels are so close to the nose our ride height is more Rothman's 959 than 930 (maybe I should strip the Guard's Red and go with the Livery heh heh?) as tucking the wheels any more up would hit them into the headlight area.  Ah well.

But it came out pretty darn kewl.



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