[s-cars] stock headlights

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 17:25:55 PST 2009


Nah. It'll be next week, just you wait (yeah, right. It was a balmy - 11 F
yesterday morn).

Seriously, I like your idea of zip tying the grilles. Good idea.


On 1/27/09, Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:
> My son thought his C4 A6 was a snow plow and punched a snowbank so
> hard it broke the Stebel airhorn mounted 8" behind the right side
> lower grille. The mounting point on the bumper for that grille was
> destroyed, so I drilled a small hole in the rim of the grille
> through the bumper and ran a ziptie through the holes, to the
> inside of the bumper. Completely invisible from the outside and
> pretty sturdy. If you're afraid of losing your grilles, a little
> protection like this might be useful.
> Good idea on mocking up the fogs to check temp rise...but I think
> your biggest concern will be low and moderate speeds on a hot
> day...so it might be a while before you can test!
> Lee
> On Tue Jan 27 18:19:26 CST 2009, LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I think
> > I'll do a mock up of the Micro DE's (got a set on the Saabaru,
> > one of the
> > best lighting investments I've ever made!) and monitor intake and
> > oil temps
> > in the UrS in a before and after. I personally think they have a
> > larger aero
> > footprint than it appears. The tiny little projector lens makes
> > the actual
> > mag housing seems smaller than it actually is, IMHO. Now the
> > question, how
> > do get the outer grilles out in such a way that they won't fall
> > out be lost
> > like what seems to happen to so many other listers...?
> >

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