[s-cars] 24hrs of LeMons!?!?!? Bueller?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 30 12:53:40 PST 2009

We could enter Mahoney's BMW, it should win simply because of stickers!
I know they're DECALS not stickers!

OK, if not that Mike's Lotus?


How about the Red baron?

;-) a certain someone with Paul's green machine...is there a figure 8

What about the pinewood derby division? Enter your kid's car!

--- pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:

> Hawt diggity DAYUM...
> 24hrs of LeMons is not only COMING TO ***CT*** THIS SUMMER...
> ...it's...
> ...it's...
> ...it's (holds back sniffles and tears)...
> ...FIVE MILES AWAY FROM MY DRIVEWAY!?!?!??  Literally, turn right out
> of my street, go 5 miles, turn left then left into driveway.  FIVE
> http://www.24hoursoflemons.com/events/neweng09/
> now
> things that make you go hmmmm.
> I don't have a car.
> I don't have a team.
> I don't have $500.
> I'd KILL to do this.
> Anyone completely firquin' insaneo here to think about doing this
> together???  Talk me out of this - or jump on in with no feet.  I saw
> our very own (former?) Jimmy Pribblemeister did it last year, enjoyed
> his shenanigan report.
> Inquiring mind.
> -Paul dreamin the dream K.
> ps.  ohhhhh Tommmmmmmmyyyy...  SCIROCCO!?  STONE HIM! (me)
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