[s-cars] Subject: Climate control acting strange

Jared Robinson chapel976 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 12:31:17 PDT 2009

I might be able to source a spare control panel from a 94 S4
What other cars used this? Audi 90s and Audi C4s right?
It's not a rare control piece.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Tom Winter <tom at tomwintermedia.com> wrote:

> On 7/7/09 10:20 AM, chapel976 at gmail.com wrote:
> Ok, so I've been noticing a weird issue once in a while. When I start my
> car, sometimes the controls don't work 100%
> The fan controls and vent controls respond fine
> I can turn the AC on by the button
> I can turn the temp DOWN
> I can turn defrost on
> I cannot turn the temp UP
> The AUTO button is unresponsive.
> However, if I drive it for like 10-15 minutes, all the controls work as
> normal.
> Jared - Mine did this too. I solved it by removing the unit, cleaning all
> connections, and then replacing same unit. You get the unit out by
> carefully
> prying up the "wood" panel that surrounds it, to access the screws. A good
> cleaning of the contacts on all the plugs should hopefully fix your
> problem.
> At least that's where I'd start before sourcing a replacement.
> Tom '95 Avant

Jared Robinson

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