[s-cars] S6A+ hatch and wiring

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Wed Jun 3 12:52:07 PDT 2009

Marine only because in addition to being a car geek, I'm a boat geek,  
and have more marine wire laying around.

When I replaced the wires in the same place you mention on my former  
'95.5 Avant, I peeled back the boot from where it connects to the  
hatch and to the roof, and fished wires thru with a snake. When I  
removed the hatch trim, I discovered the snake was needed to get thru.  
I got to the wires buried by the headliner by removing the interior  
light, and getting creative. Unfortunately, my memory fails me at this  
point, sorry I can't provide more details.

-Ian Duff.

On 03 Jun, 2009, at 15:40, Jack Walker wrote:

> How does one get the trim pieces for the headliner off?
> But the wire (prior to the connector) goes into a tunnel that runs  
> above the
> pillars and I'm assuming is a place for water to escape out the back  
> of the
> car, down the sides of the rear pillar. God knows there was enough  
> crap in
> the place the rubber boot goes through
> Some of the wire was stranded; some solid; so new stranded wire  
> would be my
> thought as well? But why marine wire?
> Jack
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Duff [mailto:iduff at comcast.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 12:29 PM
> To: Jack Walker
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] S6A+ hatch and wiring
> It might be easier to peel back the trim (headliner and hatch) and put
> new lengths of wire thru the rubber boot, splicing some distance from
> the boot in either direction.
> If you go this route, you might want to use stranded wire, which is
> reputed to withstand flexing better than solid wire. A common use for
> stranded wire is in marine applications. You should be able to get
> stranded wire at any marine chandlery, with www.defender.com being a
> reputable, low-price source.
> -Ian Duff.
> On 03 Jun, 2009, at 14:47, Jack Walker wrote:
>> So I'm finally diving into my tailgate wiring problems, there's more
>> broken
>> than are complete.
>> I'm considering buying the harness (#4A9 971 726 F - $362.00) and
>> replacing
>> the entire group, Unless I can get harness out and repair it all out
>> of the
>> car, there just isn't going to be enough space to put like 10
>> splices and
>> cover them up in the one little space that's going to have to fit  
>> back
>> inside the rubber cover/grommet. So I'm thinking splices above the
>> grommet
>> and below the grommet and fresh wires inside the grommett
>> So the harness connector must be up inside the hole that comes from
>> above
>> the pillar, how does one access the connector it looks to be inside
>> a tunnel
>> above and forward of the rear pillar.
>> At the same time I'm replacing the Avant's rear hatch light bar -
>> reflector
>> with a European S6A+
>> Has anyone done this before?
>> Are there two versions of the S6+, an Avant and Sedan? I got this  
>> from
>> Europrice and he said there isn't when I got it like forever ago!
>> The US version doesn't cross over from each side on the license
>> plate, it's
>> totally open across the top of the trim piece that the license plate
>> attaches too
>> The hatch lift latch handle doesn't seem to fit under the cross
>> piece from
>> each side on the S6+
>> Has everyone simply cut it out all the way across where the latch
>> handle
>> piece fits up to it, this is possible but I'm thinking not too smart!
>> I've also got a Euro S6 hatch cover/reflector/lights that's in three
>> pieces
>> the two reflectors and the center license plate holder with the
>> exact same
>> problem!
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>> Jack Walker
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