[s-cars] occasional brake light on start and sometimes difficult steering

Jared Robinson chapel976 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 16:32:15 PDT 2009

Now that you mention it, I think it happens when I leave the car for a few
days without driving. I'll have to look at the hydraulic system I guess...

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Kunz, Bob <bob.kunz at hp.com> wrote:

> Exceptional blue dragons from the asteroid belt made Jared Robinson say:
> > So, I was reading some posts about the hydraulic system...
> > Once in a while (say once every 2-3 weeks) the brake light stays on for
> 30
> ...
> > Also, sometimes when I'm at the end of my trip and pulling into my spot
> at
> > the train station, I go to turn the steering wheel from a stop and it's
> > heavy... almost un-turnable... if I rev the motor,
> Fluid level is OK? This sounds like air in the system and a failed
> accumulator. When you start up, a weak accumulator has to fill which is
> likely the cause of your light at start-up. The accumulator bleeds down over
> time when the car sits. That fluid is returned to the reservoir so if you
> check the level then it will look full. Start the car and give it that 30
> seconds before you check.
> Air can get in if you have very low fluid which could be the case if your
> accumulator empties into the reservoir and then when it fills, your fluid
> level falls below the pickup for the pump. Or your fluid is just simply low.
> You could also have a weak pump which would explain the return of steering
> assist when you increase RPMs. But it could also just be pushing the air
> through.
> --bob
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Jared Robinson

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