[s-cars] A4 sport wheel query

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Mon Jun 29 14:12:50 PDT 2009


A grey sport wheel exists, but I don't know if it is for the B7. I 
had one in my hands 2 years ago. Don't remember the part number at 
this point.


On Mon Jun 29 15:47:15 CDT 2009, Steve Marinello 
<smarinello at entouch.net> wrote:

> Does anyone know if a grey sport wheel exists for the B7 A4's?  I 
> know the
> S-line badged wheel is only in black, to go with the S-line black 
> interior,
> but is there a grey 3-spoke wheel option?  I'm in the process of 
> purchasing
> an'08 A4q special order, sorta S-line.  It's got the S-line trim 
> and all the
> options; sport suspension, convenience and premium package, 
> heated seats,
> etc. BUT, it has a grey interior with a grey four-spoke wheel.  
> Anyone hear the question before?  I mean, the S6 has a black 
> wheel with an
> ecru interior, so it's not that freakin' bad, but a grey one 
> would be cool,
> and cooler.
>  Thanks,
> Steve
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