[s-cars] Moaning like a stuck piggie.

jpb3 jpburns3 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 07:56:01 PST 2009

I thought I replied to this yesterday but checked my sent box and
nothing was there.

I too have had the HOH j hose repair special and it has never made a
sound.  No groans, no moans, no shuddering etc...this was at least two
years ago when I had mine done.

They are very aware of the neccessity of retaining the orifice for this job.

My bet is you have air in your system.

turning lock to lock works to purge the air, but works best when the
front of the car is elevated on jack stands.



On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Aaron Ryba <aaronryba at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Aaron,
> I had the same repair done at HoH over a year ago and had similar results, constant whine that gets louder with more load, no shutter though. I called back and they assured me that the orifice/device was retained per my request although I had a hard time locating it on the unit. I had done a good bit of research prior to sending to HoH and mostly found good reviews of that source for repair. At roughly $90 including shipping it is quite a bit cheaper than buying new even at the reduced  $225 rate. I'll likely replace with new and keep the HoH hose for backup but needless to say it is disappointing. You are not alone.
> Make sure that you flushed the system well. I had replaced the reservoir prior to my hose rupturing and I spent a good amount of time cleaning that out along with the banjo bolt with the integrated screen to make sure there was no debris in the system that could chew up my new PS pump. They rack & hydraulic system is self bleeding so turning the wheels from lock to lock a few times will rid of any air. I think SJM Auto had a good PDF writeup about how to properly clean the system.
> Aaron R.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 19:42:04 -0700
> From: AaronT <atay101 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] Moaning like a stuck piggie.
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID:
>    <e5cd5b980903021842g6028d5a2rab6dd0844d8ad0d0 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi gang,
> I just repared / replaced the leaky hose running form the pump to the rack
> (the one with the orifice and swine tail coil at the rack.
> Spokane House of Hose did the repair and they seemed to be aware of the
> importance of replacing the orifice.  Well, now she moans and shudders like
> crazy when near near full lock (ha!) and whines a bit all the time.
> Is there a bleeding procedure that I was supposed to follow?  Did HoH forget
> the orifice?  The orifice is no longer in the center of the hose.  They said
> they install it under one of the end crimps.
> Thoughts? Thanks
> Aaron
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