[s-cars] The new vB AW completely FUBAR'd the UrS FAQ

JC jc at j2c3.com
Tue Mar 17 00:08:09 PDT 2009

Aargh.  Hideous.

I've used scads of vB driven forums.  None so ugly as this.  Agreed the
in-line sigs is awful, although when you try to edit yours you'll find it's
capped at 8 lines so that will change fast (except for the guys who won't
change it...) I bet they cap the sig pic size as well so guys like Damien
will stop linking to 3MB files as their sig pic (hey the guy has great pics
of his car, I just don't want my entire screen taken up by them and wait for
them to download all the time.). Small consolations though.

I would posit that the problem is they tried to make it layout like the old
board instead of embracing the new for what it is. Kind of like the way
Detroit starts with a great show car and then dumbs it down and makes it
look more like some ugly crapbox that they have already until the result is
worse than what came before.

Also: one of those pros=cons things - vB is a bit complex to setup user
preferences.  Good in the sense that it has lots of flexibility and people
can tailor the interface to how they like to see things.  Bad because it's
complicated and most people don't figure out or realize they can change
dramatically how it appears... (post sort order, linear vs. threaded vs
hybrid... etc.) Most people won't mess with the settings and find they can
fix a few of the things that bother them...

But you can't fix the basic style and layout, and that's the main failing
for now... UUUGGLLY.

> -----Original Message-----
> It's completely unusuable (might as well "Search").

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