[s-cars] Prepurchase approval, was exhausts

JC jc at j2c3.com
Wed Mar 18 19:58:01 PDT 2009

This is a well-known strategy that as I understand it, originated with the

A friend of mine revealed this to me and instantly I realized I'd been
falling for it for decades.

Example: Wife/girlfriend/etc. buys clothes/shoes and stashes them away for a
'cooling off period' of 2-4-6-8 weeks or so. Then when man says "Is that
new?" She can honestly say "Oh no I bought this months ago"...

By the way, being 'on' to this trick does not seem to faze them or alter
behavior in the least.

> Personally, I find it better just to hide shit in a closet
> for a number of years until it's got a good patina of dust
> and the wife has bumped into it a number of times and just
> assumes it's part of the general inventory.

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