[s-cars] 90k service (timing belt)?

John Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Fri Mar 20 17:05:59 PDT 2009

It's mounted in 3 locations. One was a convenient bolt hole in the firewall,
one was a stud on the strut tower (towards the bottom near the steering
rack), and the last was on the coil brackets.  The heat shield is very
important too. I measured a 200+ degree drop in temps between the downpipe
side of the heat shield and the ignition coil closest to the downpipe area 
of the heat shield. No doubt that will increase coil life.

Note that I had to build extensions of the strut brace to mount the 034
coils on as they did not fit as 034 said they would. The coils hit squarely
on the metal fuel lines on the firewall, so I had to move them out away from
the firewall by about an inch and a half. I also mounted the coils upside
down from how 034 recomends because it fit better, looked better, and IMHO
the heat sinks should be on top for better ventilation (heat rises, etc.). 
Another things was that I used some washers to space the coils farther apart 
from each other. As supplied by 034 the coils will squarely hit each other 
and prevent you from being able to unplug the wire connectors without 
unbolting the coils and dissasembling the brackets.

http://jcforbes.com/jcfpics/tmwricksurs4/CIMG2683 - You can sorta see two of
the brackets for the heat shield and you can see the brackets for the coils.

-Cody Forbes

Doug Landaeta wrote:
> Psyched! Very nice, thanks for the help. I like the heat shield. Is
> that mounted directly onto the firewall?
> Doug
> Sent from my mobile.
> On Mar 20, 2009, at 2:12 PM, "John Cody Forbes" <cody at 5000tq.com>
> wrote:
>> Douglas Landaeta wrote:
>>> .... The 034 HO is possible,
>>> but i do
>>> want to retain the cover... i digress...
>> http://jcforbes.com/jcfpics/tmwricksurs4/CIMG2682 - urS4 w/ 034 HO
>> coils and stock coil cover installed.
>> http://jcforbes.com/jcfpics/tmwricksurs4/CIMG2687
>> http://jcforbes.com/jcfpics/tmwricksurs4/CIMG2688 - Coil cover off
>> so you can see how the wires are routed. I did have to modify the
>> coil cover very slightly. At the back where the plug wires go in I
>> had to make the opening larger as the cover was slightly pinching
>> the plug wires. I relieved it about 2mm and it fits great now.
>> http://jcforbes.com/jcfpics/tmwricksurs4/P1010060
>> http://jcforbes.com/jcfpics/tmwricksurs4/CIMG2689 - These kits are
>> shipped with a huge amount of excess wire. To prevent problems with
>> the wires getting where the shouldn't be (resting on the downpipe
>> for example) you MUST shorted them.
>> -Cody Forbes

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